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Restore Your Health By Finding True Balance

Health is simply a natural result of order and balance

The Key to Health = Balance 

All of existence is seeking to
find balance

  • Water always finds its level
  • Weather patterns and thermodynamics are based on balance
  • Healthy pollination requires a balance between plant growth and insect population
  • Mathematics is all about balancing equations

True Health is based on balance within and throughout the many complex systems of our body.

True Health Solutions focuses on determining imbalances by working through layers and getting to the root cause of the issue. We bring balance to each physiological system, resulting in better physical, emotional, and psychological health.

How Do We Do That?

ZYTO and CHIREN combine for

full-body scanning, detox, and balance.

ZYTO Technology

ZYTO technology utilizes galvanic skin response (GSR) which sends microcurrents through your system testing your body’s response…

Learn More

ZYTO technology uses GSR to analyze stress responses and identify balancing products.

Pricing and Packages

At conception, when a sperm fertilizes an egg, 

a burst of light occurs - Light = Life.



30 min appointment Includes Scan, Chart Analysis, Supplement Recommendations.


CHIREN Package

10 sessions of ZYTO scan and CHIREN treatment. Kit of full spectrum of cell salts.


A La Carte

1 hour appointment, ZYTO Scan and Biophoton Therapy Treatment.

Customer Testimonials

Read Our Patient Reviews

Wellness Insights & Tips

Empowering Your Health Journey with Holistic Approaches.